Entry level course for technicians who are going to install and configure wireless networks.

CWT® – Certified Wireless Technician (CWT) is an individual who can install APs based on a design document, configure the AP for initial operations and ensure connectivity. The individual can troubleshoot basic problems and assist users in-person or through remote communications in problem resolution. The ability to configure a WLAN client for connectivity is paramount with an understanding of the configuration process for SSIDs, security settings and other client adapter settings. This individual is not responsible for WLAN design, analysis or security design; however, the CWT should be able to gather information from a design specification document to properly configure an AP and troubleshoot individual connection issues. The CWT may not be aware of the actual WLAN architectural design, the RF design or the full feature set in use to implement the WLAN.

Exam content:

  • Kennis van basis RF hardware en functies – 15% v/h examen
  • Identify 802.11 Features and Functions – 30% of exam
  • Identify Wireless LAN Hardware and Software – 30% of exam
  • Understand Organizational Goals – 25% of exam